Terms of use for the ANTISPAM-UFRJ's Database Information

    In both ways that you use to get any information from our DNS databases (direct DNS lookup or creating a slave DNS database), your need to accept our DNS databases tems of use, that you can read below:

    Terms of use common to both "direct DNS lookup" and "creating a slave DNS database":

    1) The ANTISPAM-UFRJ's realtime lists are freeing exported by anybody that want be use of them, except for spammer
activies. A final user of our databases can't use its to discover open-relays hosts to use its for spammers pratices.

    2) The ANTISPAM-UFRJ only verify if a third-party host is a spammer, open-relay or a IP/DIALUP host machine or not. If
any third-party host is blocked by a final host, is because the third-party host MUST comply with the rules that the final
host require (not our rules).

    3) The ANTISPAM-UFRJ get no responsability for any interruption in its DNS database services due energy interruptions,
disk crashes or any other event. At the possible we attempt to mantain our service 24hs per day, 365 days per year.

    4) The ANTISPAM-UFRJ take as primary mission to promote a way to help the Internet users to prevent him from the hiddeous
spammers activities and to educate the system administrators to prevent the spammers activities. The ANTISPAM-UFRJ can't
promote any personal perseguition against anybody.

    5) The final users for ANTISPAM-UFRJ must use the informations from our databases only for your personal use, they can't
use theses informations to others ends instead to protect your hosts machines.

    Aditionals terms of use for "creating a slave DNS database":

    1) The secondaries DNS zones for ANTISPAM-UFRJ lists must permit all lookup queries from any host (not transfer zones
access) freeing. The secondaries DNS zones administrators can't sell our DNS zones databases informations or charge any
payment for it's secondaries DNS zones services. They can't distribute all contents in our DNS zones databases informations
for anything using any means, except via singles direct DNS lookups.

    2) The secondaries DNS zones administrators for ANTISPAM-UFRJ lists won't charge any payment from ANTISPAM-UFRJ
administrators for the secondaries DNS zones services. The secondaries DNS zones administrators must assume the cost
to maintain one or more ANTISPAM-UFRJ DNS secondary zone.

    3) The secondaries DNS zones administrators for ANTISPAM-UFRJ lists WON'T use our databases to promote ANY spammer

    NOTE: Our realtime lists are freeing exported by anybody that want be use of them. If any host XXX blocked a delivering mail from a third-party host that is listed here, is because the third-party host MUST comply with the rules that the XXX's admin (not our rules) require to a mail message can be delivered to it. We are just verifing to the XXX's admin whether a host is a spammer, open-relay or IP/DIALUP machine or not.