
    Originally, the ANTISPAM-UFRJ was created with the intention to protect the PADS network against the hideous spammers activities. But this primary mission was expanded over the networks that help us in this crusade or that need our help to protect their users.
    Now, we are working to create new issues to help anothers networks and Internet users to protect themselves from the spammers. Whem done, these new issues will be freely distribuited to anybody that want be protected from any hideous spammer activity.
    People who kindly contributed (directly or indirectly) with the ANTISPAM-UFRJ are listed below:

  1. Rafael Jorge Csura Szendrodi - An Electronic engineering student in Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) and the actual Network Administrator to PADS-PEE-COPPE-UFRJ (Laboratory for the Processing of Analog and Digital Signals - Eletrical Engineering Program - Graduate School and Research in Engineering Alberto Luiz Coimbra Institute - Federal University of Rio de Janeiro). He works preferencially with Unix-Like Operationals Systems (He have experience in Linux, FreesBSD, Solaris, OSF1 (a little), AIX (a little too) and Novell/Netware (some)). He has very experience in network security, work with spam prevention since 1997 and implemented the ORVE (Open-Relays Verifying Enginne) and others WWW issues used by ANTISPAM-UFRJ. He wrote the Smail configurations that we suggested to use in Sendmail and Smail configurations in the left menu.

  2. Solimar de Souza Silva - An Electronic engineering student in Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). He wrote the C source-code of a program to send mail messages by connecting remote SMTP servers, this was the embrionary ORVE C source-code implemented by Rafael Jorge Csura Szendrodi. He also helped in the construction of the pages of this site. Thanks Solimar!

  3. Paulo Alexandre Pinto Pires - An Electronic engineering student in Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). A network administrator that works with Unix-like systems. He wrote some portions of Sendmail configurations (the M4 macro processor version) that we suggested to use in Sendmail and Smail configurations in the left menu.

  4. João Carlos Mendes Luis - An Electronic engineering M.Sc. student in Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). A network administrator that works with Unix-like systems. He wrote the original antispam Sendmail configurations for ours Sendmails v8.8.8 in 1997 and some portions of his original configurations are used yet, but in the M4 macro processor version implemented by Paulo A. P. Pires.
    NOTE: Our realtime lists are freely exported by anybody who wants to use them. If any host XXX blocked a delivering mail from a third-party host that is listed here, it is because the third-party host MUST comply with the rules that the XXX's admin (not our rules) requires to a mail message can be delivered to it. We are just verifing to the XXX's admin whether a host is a spammer, open-relay or IP/DIALUP machine or not.